Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Metal Gear Series Primer: Introduction

Holy shit. Metal Gear Solid 4 comes out in less than a month!

I'm slightly disappointed with how much I've been able to cover on this site so far--I've been really busy with work and other things recently, which has limited my time for writing. I've beaten MGS3 and Portable Ops and am now halfway through Metal Gear 1, but I haven't even come close to writing everything I want to about any of them. It looks like I'll be updating for a good, long while even after MGS4 is released.

Metal Gear Solid 4 comes out on June 12. In the time I have between now and then, I'm going to shift my focus here a bit. For the rest of the month, most of my updates are going to be devoted to helping anyone who isn't as familiar with the overall story of the series get caught up for MGS4. Since MGS4 is the culmination of the entire series, a good understanding of the previous games is almost guaranteed to make playing it more enjoyable. I'll simplify things a bit to make it easy for a casual fan or newcomer to the series to digest, but I'll also give you everything you should need to know to appreciate MGS4 to the fullest.

On that note, check back soon for an entry about the Metal Gear saga's opening chapters!

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